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The Wonders

I have got the wonders. It is Valentine’s season and I am wondering if our little mister or little miss has even been born yet. I imagine so. I am wondering if he or she will love Valentine’s Day as much as our three little ladies do. Even though we have never done much with our three little ladies for Valentine's Day, they adore hearts and they know that Valentine’s Day means hearts everywhere. This alone is cause for celebration and they have been busy decorating their room with as many heart shaped things as they can conjure up.

This week we dove headfirst into adoption when we got lots of reading materials and a large stack of paperwork in the mail from our adoption agency. At the end of last week, I managed to have a bit of a fall that resulted in stitches in my heel/leg, so while I have been laid up, I have been able to read everything through and make lots of lists of things to do when I can finally walk and drive again. Somewhere in the middle of all the paperwork, reality started to set in. We are doing it! We are adopting! Wow! It’s not that we did not think we were going to before, but it just did not seem real. There is just something about getting all the paperwork and seeing all there is to do that has made it all sink in. We are adopting.

I have the wonder bug now. I am eager to get the home study done and all our paperwork complete so we can turn it in and wait. So we can wait for a glimpse of what God has for us. What is he up to? Are we going to get one child or two? Boy or girl? Baby? Toddler? Preschooler? Only He knows and my what a delight it is to walk with Him and discover the plans He has for our family.

The only preference we have is that the child is below the age of our oldest daughter (who is five right now). We do not have a preference if it is a boy or girl, and we are open to adopting more than one child, if God opens that door and provides the resources to do so.

The further we dive into this whole adoption process, the more we realize it is a significant amount of work. There is a lot to do. But it pales in comparison to the redemptive process God orchestrated to adopt us. We have been bought with such a price. What manner of love is this that He gave His only son to die so we could be saved and free from sin that so easily ensnares us and brings us such pain and suffering?

We don’t deserve any accolades for adopting. It is a joy for us to walk where God has led us and live our life with open hands and home. The Lord so faithfully wins our hearts on a daily basis and, even, in times of trial and pain, he tenderly carries us. I hope that wherever you find yourself on this Valentine’s Day that you know that there is a God who abundantly loves you so very much that He was willing to adopt you with the precious blood of His very own Son so you could have a future and a hope. I hope you catch the wonders as you think about this Savior who pursues us with unending love and draws us with kindness and grace upon grace.


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